martedì, maggio 15, 2007

giovedì, maggio 03, 2007

My Heart's In The Highlands
(Robert Burns)
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer -
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North
The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forrests and wild-hanging woods;
Farwell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart's in the Highlands, whereever I go.


martedì, maggio 01, 2007

Il Mare......................
La ricchezza del mio cuore è infinita come il mare
così profondo il mio amore:
più te ne dò, più ne ho
perchè entrambi sono infiniti.

William Shakespeare
